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DVDShrink is a console based DVD 'shrinker' for Linux or any other OS
that has the necessary tools. It will take a commercial DVD and place
the main feature onto a DVD-R, adjusting it's size if needed. It does
NOT do a complete copy of a DVD but only of the main title, ONE
audio track and ONE subtitle track.
Folks, this is all 'smoke and mirrors' to quote a good friend of mine
who I spent several hours with debugging. If things don't go quite as
planned, have a look at the code; figure out what commands are being
called and try it manually.
Automatic configuration
On first execution the script will prompt the user for the values that
it needs to run. After that the script will determine what it needs.
Automatic mode
No intervention from the user is required. This is the default mode but
can be over-ridden from the command-line with a full-featured set of
If the user has two DVD devices (ie: a reader and a burner) the script
can be configured or run to do an auto-burn of the copy.
Failure handling
If one of a set of pre-determined commands fails the script offers the
user the ability to attempt to fix any problem and re-start the script
from the point of failure; saving time and worry.
Progress reporting
A simple but informative user interface. The user knows what step the
script is at at all times, but the output from the various tools is
surpressed; most being many lines of gobledy-gook.
Space saving
The script can be configured/run to remove working files as they become
redundant thereby saving space on the hard drive.
No in-depth knowledge of DVD structure or layout is required by the
Required Software
The following software MUST be installed and functioning for the DVDShrink
to do it's job:
- The transcode package and it's required codecs (ripping etc),
- the mjpegtools package (re-multiplexing),
- the mkisofs package (creating ISO images),
- the subtitleripper package (converting subtitles),
- the gocr package (for subtitles),
- the dvd+rw-tools package (burning), and
- the dvdauthor package (authoring DVDs).
The script also makes calls to 'cat', 'stat' and a few other standard Linux
tools. You'll want to make sure that they are in your toolset (coreutils package).
If you want to run the GUI front-end you'll need to have perl and perl-GTK2 installed.
Script function
The script is written for bash. It won't work on any other shell.
The script follows a fixed set of steps in shrinking a DVD down from a
size that fits on a DVD9 (commercial) to one that fits onto a DVD-R or
RW. These are:
determine the DVD's Volume ID -> dd (coreutils)
determine the DVD's chapter scheme -> tcprobe (transcode)
rip the tracks -> tccat (transcode)
-> tcextract (transcode)
resize the video track -> tcrequant (transcode)
remultiplex the video and audio -> mplex (mjpegtools)
turn the subtitle track into images -> subtitle2pgm (subtitleripper)
mux the subtitles with the MPEG2 -> spumux (dvdauthor)
author the DVD -> dvdauthor (dvdauthor)
create an ISO image -> mkisofs (mkisofs)
burn the new DVD -> growisofs (dvd+rw-tools)
The script writes it's progress in the project's directory tree which
keeps track of where it is in the process. If the script is restarted with the
--restart option, it reads this file and knows where to begin anew. Also,
once in a blue moon a command WILL finish with usable output but will error
out. In this case, if the output looks good issue the --jumpin option to
continue on as if nothing happened
The script writes it's run-time variables in a file called
'/tmp/dvdshrink.var' which is read after a failure/restart and allows the
script to skip many of the 'houskeeping' functions and go right to the
correct spot to begin execution with all needed variables set.
The script will place all of it's working and temporary files in a directory
called $BASEDIR/ by default. $BASEDIR is set by the user
during initial configuration. Make sure that the directory selected is on
a file system that has enough space to hold about twice the size of the
original movie (from 10G to 18G).
Script Options
This will have the script stop after authoring the new DVD5. It will
leave the files in the directory //BUILD. You can
use the 'mkisofs' command on this directory to make an ISO image of the
DVD or use 'growisofs' to burn it to DVD5.
Tells dvdshrink to prompt you before it tries to burn a new DVD
Tells dvdshrink _NOT_ to remove it's working files as it goes (to a point).
This will take up a LOT of disk space, but will leave you the files if
you need them later.
Tells dvdshrink that you don't want to be prompted before burning (only
works if you have more than one device). After authoring it will auto-
matically start the burn to your blank.
If this option is passed dvdshrink will read the information for the
first title on the source DVD and present it to you.
Tells dvdshrink _NOT_ to shrink the video stream at all. If you are
buring to a dual-layer DVD then you can pass this and get a less com-
pressed MPEG2 file.
Tells dvdshrink to present you with a list of the titles, then a list
of the audio streams, THEN a list of the subtitle streams. You can
chose which ones you want to work on from the lists. The same as is-
suing -t list -a list -u list.
Tells dvdshrink to _STOP_ after ripping the selected streams and re-
multiplexing them into a new MPEG2 file while _NOT_ shrinking the
video stream.
Allows creation of an archival ISO image along with the DVD burn.
This was added for the GUI so that the console window would be left
open after the project was complete. If it wasn't issued then the
console would disappear as soon as the project finished (or errored)
and you would not know what happened in the case of an error.
Tells dvdshrink to just rip the elemental streams (video, audio and
subtitle) that you selected then _STOP_.
Dvdshrink will present you a list of all the titles on the DVD then
Normally, dvdshrink shows you a small synopsis of what it's going to
do before it starts doing it. With this option passed, dvdshrink will
tell you a whole lot more and give you a chance to back out.
-a|--audio <num>
This option allows you to pass a specified audio stream to dvdshrink
to be ripped. The default is 0 which is the first audio stream on the
source DVD. If you want to see a list of the audio streams then pass
-a list to the app.
Tells dvdshrink to auto-burn the new DVD. This does _NOT_ mean that it
won't prompt you, but it tells you that it's ready to go and gives you
a last chance to put the blank in.
Allows you to re-configure dvdshrink.
Passing this option over-rides whatever is in the default configuration
and allows you to have dvdshrink auto-delete it's working files even
if you've set it not to in the configuration. It saves space on the
working drive.
-e|--episodes <num>
On an 'episodic' source DVD9 like a television show set, this tells
dvdshrink how much to shrink each MPEG2 file so that you can put
on a single DVD5. Normally it is not used for movies and is only passed
to dvdshrink by the 'batchrip.sh' script.
Tells dvdshrink to _NOT_ burn a new DVD5 but to create an ISO file
that can be used to create one. Stored in /tmp.
-k|--shrinkfactor <val>
The amount that dvdshrink will compress an MPEG2 file to fit where you
want it to fit (normally on a DVD5). 1.0 means 'no compression' and the
script will only allow you a maximum value of 2.0. Anything higher an you
get spotty output which may not work at all. The calculation used is as
k = (1.05 v)/(4.7G - (a + s)
k = shrink factor
v = size of video stream
a = size of audio stream
s = 10MB
This switch tells dvdshrink to delete the log files that it keeps in your
home directory after a successful rip. If the script abends then the log
files are kept for your perusal.
Tells dvdshrink to create an MPEG2 file and _STOP_. This file can be
used as is or used to custom author a new DVD5 using 'dvdauthor'
-o|--isodir <dir>
Sets an ISO image storage location.
-p|--project <name>
The project name is the name that is used to create all the direct-
ories and filenames during a rip sequence (see Definitions)
-r|--read_device <dev>
This is passed to dvdshrink to specify a read device _OTHER_ than
that specified in the configuration.
Tells dvdshrink to rip the elemental streams (video, audio and subtitles)
and then shrink the video stream then _STOP_.
Allows you to specify which title on the DVD9 to rip. Normally on a
movie the first title (1) is the main feature. But if it's another title
you want then you can specify. Use -t list to get a list of titles on
the source DVD to select from.
-u_subtitle <num>
Allows you to specify which subtitle stream to rip. Normally this is
not selected. If the DVD9 you want to rip is _NOT_ in your native lan-
guage and there is no native language audio stream then you can select
a subtitle stream. Or, if you are hearing impaired this allows you to
rip and properly 'mux' in the subtitles. Use -u list to see a list to
select from.
Note: This is smoke and mirrors. On some DVDs you may get a 95-96% rate
of good subtitles. On others you'll do better. In any case, there may be
a title or two that are corrupt.
Show the version information and exit.
-w|--write_device <dev>
Over-ride the write device in the configuration with the device specified
by issuing the -w option.
A short synopsis of this page.
A longer synopsis of this page.
If dvdshrink errors you will be told what happened, and where to find more
information. If you think you can (or have) fixed the problem you can re-
start dvdshrink with the --restart option to start with the function that
generated the error (makes life simple).
If dvdshrink errors and you _KNOW_ that the error is wrong you can re-start
dvdshrink with the _NEXT_ function in line to attempt to carry on.